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DSM Lombok is a Padi Dive Center located on Gili Trawangan and Lombok
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Leading dive centre and scuba training school in Lanzarote.
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Videos about the most beautiful dive sites in Thailand: Discover Scuba Diving in Thailand
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Dive club thailand: scuba diving, dive sites and centers, accommodations, and more
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Scuba Dive Philippines! Discover the diving paradise of Sabang, Puerto Galera with Mermaid Resort. Located in the heart of the tropical island of Mindoro, Mermaid Resort has everything you have come to expect for a great getaway
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Dive Queensland is a non-profit, membership based, incorporates association committed to the promotion and development of the diving industry in Queensland
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Scuba and shark dive in South Africa and Mozambique with Dive the Big 5 - specialists in shark, wreck, seal and tropical reef diving combined with African wildlife safaris.
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