Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: hernia
Incisional hernia can occur through a scar if you have had abdominal surgery. Umbilical hernia appears as a bulge around the ... umbilical hernia fails to heal on its own by the time ... - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: pelvic laparoscopy
After the laparoscopy, the carbon dioxide gas is released, and the surgeon closes the ... Risks for any surgery include: Bleeding; Damage to nearby organs and tissues - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: pelvic laparoscopy
After the laparoscopy, the carbon dioxide gas is released, and the surgeon closes the ... Risks for any surgery include: Bleeding; Damage to nearby organs and tissues - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: ultrasound
Ultrasound. ultrasound is a scanning technique used to image the growing fetus. when they hit dense structures like the fetus and the wall of your uterus, the - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: ultrasound
Ultrasound. ultrasound is a scanning technique used to image the growing fetus. when they hit dense structures like the fetus and the wall of your uterus, the - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: ultrasound
Ultrasound. ultrasound is a scanning technique used to image the growing fetus. when they hit dense structures like the fetus and the wall of your uterus, the - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus medical encyclopedia: ultrasound
Ultrasound. ultrasound is a scanning technique used to image the growing fetus. when they hit dense structures like the fetus and the wall of your uterus, the - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus: chickenpox
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Chickenpox Vaccine: What You Need to ... Chickenpox (Varicella) Photos (Immunization Action Coalition) Return to top - Plus d'infos
Medlineplus: hernia
The usual treatment for a hernia is surgery to repair the opening in the muscle wall. ... Umbilical Hernia (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Umbilical Hernia ... - Plus d'infos
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